Everyone’s experiences are different because we each create surroundings and realities that come from within us. And this alone pretty much sums up the higher realms; the higher realms come from within.
As the ascension process serves to release and purge much inside of us that is not of the light, we then begin to experience much more of a higher way. It is a very natural process and a beautiful one at that. As much of the density begins to be cleared away, a great and shiny clarity is revealed that, if you let it, can serve as a perfect roadmap for being in the higher realms.
This chapter lists some interesting experiences you may be having upon reaching a higher vibrating reality. But generally speaking, reaching a higher vibrating reality involves finally seeing clearly what really is. It is not interacting with other energy forms and experiences through your ego or inner child. It is not being attached to anything but Source. It is simply being and experiencing energy.
Below is a list of new ways of being that usually arrive when we begin to reside in a new and higher vibrating reality. Many of these greatly surprised me as they were so much simpler and better than I could have ever imagined. The old rules and ways we were told of the higher realms were derived from an ego-based consciousness that existed behind the veil, and were some of them ever wrong! And the majority, but not all, of any channelings only derive from the individual who is channeling the information. Anyone can tap into any energy pocket they choose that is vibrating as they are and get about any kind of information that matches their belief system. Who knows about the accuracy. Through the ascension process, we go there. In this way, it is quite different indeed..
1. You reach a certain level through your ascension process where you no longer desire or resonate with any kind of healing. And like a reformed smoker, you can get frustrated when the New Age arena continues to focus much of their energy on healing. As we begin to vibrate higher, we no longer need healing. Healing serves to basically introduce us to a lower vibrating energy that is no longer any kind of a match to us. It can take us "back" where we no longer are. And it can really bring in a lower vibrating energy that we need not ever focus on again. Where we place our energy and focus greatly becomes our surrounding reality more than ever in the higher realms. Why would one want to continually focus on lower vibrating energy? This energy can feel like something from another world where you are no longer residing. And receiving a healing after you have "gotten here" can also short circuit your system.
You no longer have the same connection with your physical family. We chose to be born into a physical environment in order to support the development of necessary traits that we chose to embody in order to support our soul purpose. In addition, most of us agreed to uplift the planetary vibration through transmuting the darker and denser energies. After our prior incarnation is complete and we are done and have arrived in a higher realm, our purposes with our families are now obsolete. The cords are basically severed. We are no longer connected through issues. We are done with this experience. Therefore, our family members can suddenly disappear from our lives for no apparent reason as there is no longer a connection to them. But if we continue to simply love them and have that as our connection, we can continue to maintain a relationship based on joy and choice. And after we arrive in a higher state of clarity, we are also able to clearly see who they really are and how they operate, which has absolutely nothing to do with us.
Your lifetime friends suddenly leave your life. Same as above. And sometimes we re-unite with friends we haven’t seen for eons. And this energetic pattern is also true for geographical areas on the planet as well. When we are done with a particular purpose, we are done. In the higher realms it is all about joy, fun, experiencing, and creating with no attachments. This is why we may also get to go back to old friends and geographical homes as we are now uniting for a different purpose.
You suddenly see what it is all about and always has been and it has nothing to do with "karma", "contracts", "life lessons", or "Earth as a school". These are things that someone made up and many of us bought into. We needed a story to explain why we were so uncomfortable and we needed it to be spiritual and purposeful so that our suffering would not be in vain. When the fog finally lifts and we rise above it, we are no longer seeing through limited thinking of a lower vibrating consciousness. It is all about energy and using it to have an experience. We wanted to play games. We made up stories. At times we came to the planet to try and alter it through our higher consciousness that we placed in form (our bodies). We were bored at times. The purpose of Earth and of existence is to create through form. We were never trying to get anywhere, continually trying to go back home. We wanted to play, have fun and experience. And we weren’t serious all the time! Spirituality is about joy, fun, creating, and playing. It is absolutely not rigid, full of rules, or judgmental. It is about freedom, love, and laughter.
You are no longer interested in spiritual gatherings, group meditations, or the New Age arena in general. You have come to realize that intentional spirituality is not really real and does not stick. The truth of the matter is, we are spiritual 24/7 no matter what we are doing. Forced spirituality removes us from the world and places us in artificial situations where we are not really being, but "trying" to be. In the higher realms, we are simply living our lives and experiencing. We are not continually wanting something else and trying to place ourselves in situations that we think may bring us closer to Source because they seem to be more spiritual. It is far better to have the presence of your being here in the world rather than in a pocket of distanced and artificial "trying."
You get rid of all your spiritual and selfhelp books and no longer desire to learn anything new. Congratulations! You have arrived in the state of being. You are also done learning as you are readying to provide your energy through your special gifts and talents by simply being in a space where you greatly enjoying being. Being in the moment relates to this as well. And expanding and growing always comes from experience, not from book learning or mental awareness. We can now get any additional information we need through connecting
directly to Source. In addition, if you are no longer craving any new information, you are most likely done in this universe and preparing to go to the next level.
You crave simplicity and can barely tolerate anything complicated. We have released so much that we are much more in a state of simplicity. In the higher realms, one does not need to make anything happen or to do one thing in order to have an outcome. There are no hoops to jump through or complicated processes. When we are being a vibration, we simply and naturally draw it to us. And remember, in the higher realms we are simply being, creating, and experiencing. No planning, agendas, opinions, or having to prove something or do something in order to receive something.
Negativity feels downright awful. In the higher realms, there is no contrast or negativity. When we reach a higher state, we know intuitively that life is about joy, passion, and creativity and we never have a thing to complain about. Negativity comes from powerlessness and this state does not exist in the higher realms. And continually talking about anything in a negative way brings it to life and makes negativity a real experience and reality. It gives it fuel and allows it to exist.
Drama is a thing of the past. When we reach the higher states, we can clearly see that we had been most certainly existing in a "play". As we are now living and viewing things from a higher level, we no longer need dramas and stories to unfold around us due to unintentional and unconscious creating. We no longer desire this emotional state of powerlessness as it no longer fits where we are. And we are much too tired and apathetic, as a perfect by-product of the ascension process, to have the energy for this kind of thing!
10. What you think about seems to arrive in record time. This effect really becomes evident during energy surges. It is perfect training for practicing positive thinking. We are so used to receiving realities as if from no part of our own. We are coming to know that we can really consciously create now with purposeful intent for our best outcomes. And having things arrive for us in record time can be a great opportunity to become very clear in all aspects regarding what we are trying to create. It can be fun to continually tweak our creations until they are perfect.
11. You now wonder why you used to think you had to surround yourself in white light or clear any energies. In the higher realms this is a waste of our time. Again, it only serves to focus energy on what we do not want, thus giving it energy and making it real. When we are vibrating high, lower energies cannot possibly affect us or gain access to our space as they are not even a close match. With like energies attracting like energies, we are now free and clear to create, enjoy, and experience. This ties in with the dimensional hierarchies as well.
12. "Saving" has no place in the higher realms. Saving anything only serves to deny it of its‘ rightful experience of growing and expanding and trying something new through the contrast that is spurring it on. Saving is interfering and comes from ego. If one were to check in at a higher level with the mountain, the person, or the animal that is being saved, one would surely see that all is in divine right order and these things do not need saving. I have done this many times and always with the same outcome.
Putting yourself first is mandatory. Plain and simple. We cannot pour from an empty pitcher. Giving yourself away is disrespectful to yourself. The best way to uplift the planet and really serve is by sharing who you are through your special passions, gifts, and talents and continually doing what you love to do. After you have mastered putting yourself first, you will naturally move on to service.
You no longer have the desire or need to make things happen, to "try" or to "fix" anything. At higher levels, we always know that everything is always in divine right order so nothing needs to be fixed. We also need not intentionally make things happen as simply being them will draw them to us along with intent. The old masculine involved doing and extending ourselves. Through the ascension process we become so weary that we cannot extend even if our ego got in the way and encouraged us to! We also know that we have to accept things and be OK where we are before we can create anything new. In the higher realms, we clearly get that we need to accept where we are and be there, before we can move ahead. Resistance only blocks the flow of Source energy and short circuits us.
All your needs seem to be continually and miraculously met. At first, this space may seem strange and new, but after you get used to it, you don’t expect anything else. It becomes a way of being and lasts. This occurrence is especially prevalent in regard to money. If you have reached a higher level and are really on track with your soul purpose, you will absolutely and totally be supported. I know because this has been my own personal reality for several years and I used to really struggle financially before I "arrived." This support never goes away.
You have no issues with the current people in your life. This is similar to #2, but in the opposing direction. Your relationships will now revolve around companionship and projects with no "issue" related hooks. You love, admire, and adore each other for who you are, with no dependencies. When we get to the space of no attachments, we are then free and
clear in all ways. This is where the fun, joy, and love really come in.
You no longer relate to mental and analytical processes. In the higher realms, we interact and exist in relation to feeling. We come to know that we only need to feel our way to anywhere. And besides, our brains and thought processes are barely working anyway. This is the beginning of really using our intuition or rather connecting more highly with our souls or higher selves…another step in getting our ego out of the way. And in the higher realms, there
is no right or wrong, good or bad, or black or white. Things either feel good (vibrating high) or they feel bad (vibrating low). Everything simply is.
You no longer care what anyone thinks about you. You also may not care about what anyone thinks about anything! You do not care what anyone thinks about you because a lot of your ego is gone. In addition, in order to fulfill our soul purpose (which is also our passion and joy), we can’t be feeling insecure or powerless with the possibility of being knocked out of our grooves from an ego posture. Becoming worn down and tired, again, gets us out of the way and we begin to say, "I simply do not care anymore!" Perfect.
You finally realize that there is no dark or light. There is only light. All energy is always going in the same direction with a higher level purpose of supporting the light. The appearance of lack of light only exists to ignite the light or provide the contrast needed to spur us on to create and bring in more light. In the higher realms, polarity is no longer needed once we realize this and have integrated it.
Your health improves. And this involves your physical, emotional, and mental health. With all the purging and releasing, we have literally been put back together so to speak, in a more solid way. And then, just like the earth herself, we will move forward once we have been restored. We will then begin a real "morphing" into a higher level form of human and beyond.
You get to retire. You begin to experience a flow to life at a slow, leisurely pace where you need not do anything you do not really wish to. Everything falls into your lap. You life consists of much basking, savoring, creativity, a strong connection to Source and gratitude for the simple things in life.
You have no agendas. I have not used a day planner for years. The rare times I need to make an appointment (usually for my hair!) or be somewhere at a certain time, feel extremely off and confining. One of the reasons I discontinued giving personal soul readings was because they were scheduled. In the higher realms, we naturally meet up with who and what we need to connect with through synchronicity and the Law of Attraction. Occasionally, I will find myself conversing with a stranger and end up giving them a reading…all very naturally. It’s all about being in the moment and trusting.
You have no responsibilities. And when you do, it feels so downright awful, wrong, and confining that you can barely tolerate it. This is why the first wavers are going first as they are primarily in their 50’s and their children are grown. It was all perfectly planned. To ascend, we must be totally free and clear with no attachments. After much of the purging and purifying is done (for awhile, at least), what is then left is the purer gold nugget of the real you. In the higher realms we need only wear one hat. We do not need to scatter our energies in places that are not a pure and clear reflection of who we are at the highest levels…or our soul purpose.
You have no more fear. In the higher realms we have mastered trust. Having already been through so much and come out alive, it must mean that there is a higher plan going on. Besides, we’re much too tired and weary to do it all on our own anymore. At some point, we have learned to let Source in and help us out.
25. When something unpleasant occurs, any corresponding emotions come and go in record time. A dramatic event happens in our life and we’re over it almost immediately. No holding on. Being in the higher realms is being in the moment with no attachments. We know we can start fresh and new in any given moment and create a whole new life, scenario or space to occupy. We have become masters at releasing.
You are rarely connected to your surrounding environment. Or the environment that was created from the old consciousness. You find that you spend much of your time in your own personal sanctuary at home and that you spend much more time than you ever did alone or with a very small circle of close friends. The outside world and many of its‘ inhabitants are not yet vibrating where you are. You just can’t do it anymore and are much more comfortable out in nature or spending time with animals.
You have an unquenchable thirst for creativity. After so much has been swept away within ourselves and in our lives, we may find ourselves in a space of boredom. What do you do now that most of your needs are met and you are so very free and clear? This is when the creativity comes barreling in. In the higher vibrations, it is all about creativity. We have come into form to experience and create. When you arrive in this space, you will feel like you are almost manic with your creativity. The enormous amount of energy that is now running through you demands an outlet. And now that you are no longer in a space of healing, fixing, trying to make change, or shift the energies, it’s time to have fun and create, create, and
You laugh a lot and find many things amusing and funny. Lightheartedness is a natural state of being in the higher realms. Enough said.
You have a heightened love and compassion for all living things. The higher states can at times overwhelm you, but they feel so good.
Incredible peace is a mainstay. Great peace seems to be about all there is for you at times…and these times are frequent. Being still in the simplicity…watching a spider crawl down it’s web in the sunshine…basking with your cats…being one with a sunset or even with a bug on the earth. All regular and frequent occurrences.
Your inner child seems to have disappeared. Although you still love to play and frolic. In regard to childhood wounds and issues, you no longer see things from this point of view. What is now left is simply the healthy aspects of your inner child…seeing things with awe and wonderment and the original innocence. And oh, is it wonderful! This is why it can be so much more comfortable to hang out with our little ones…they get it.
You begin to have an understanding about how all is connected. You understand that there are no mistakes, all is in divine right order, and there is never and was never "anything
You are much more connected to your soul. You and your soul or higher self are now muchmore one. Your human personality that operated from a disconnect and from beneath the veil is seemingly no longer "running the show."
BOOK EXCERPT From "The Ascension Primer" from Karen Bishop.